
Life after Death
It’s a message of hope.
Ask the next 5 people you meet what happens when you die?
You will probably get 5 different answers:
You could: |
1. Go straight to heaven, or hell, or somewhere in between (depending). |
2. Go to the spirit world. |
3. Be recycled (reincarnated) |
4. Sleep until resurrected |
5. That's it! |
These are all contradictory. They cannot all be true. Mankind hopes there is more beyond. |
Fundamental Principles:
Romans 6:23. “The wages of sin is death.”
1 John 5:11.12. “He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have life.”
Bible teaching on life after death.
1) Only God is immortal. (1 Timothy 6: 15,16)
while man is mortal
Romans 2:7. We only seek what we don't have.
1 Corinthians 3:19. Man returns to dust after death.
2) How man was made, what happens when he dies.
Genesis 2: 7. Dost of ground + Breath of Life = Living being or soul.
Genesis 3:19. Man returns to dust at death.
Ecclestiastes 12:7. At death the dust returns to earth, the spirit (breath of life)
returns to God who gave it. [Return to Top]
3) Where man goes at death.
Ecclestiastes 9:10. To the grave. |
The example of King David.
1 Kings2 : 1,2. "about to go the way of all the earth" - what happens to his happens to all. |
Acts 2:29. ...David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. |
Acts 2:34. For David did not ascend to heaven. He is not in heaven! |
Resurrection from the grave
John 5:28. All who are in the grave will hear His (Jesus) voice and come out. |
4) His state in death.
Not praising God. (Psalm 115:17; 6:5)
Not conscious. (Ecclestiastes 9: 5,6. "The living know they will die, the dead
know nothing.")
Compared to a sleep. (Daniel 12:2, 13; John 11: 11-14; 1 Corinthians 15:51;
Thessalonians 4:13) [Return to Top]
5) The Resurrection is the only hope.
Established by the resurrection of Jesus. (1 Corinthians 15:22,23 "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order. Christ, the firstfruits; afterward when He comes those who belong to Him.")
- At the last day. (John 6:39, 40, 44, 54)
- At the Second coming of Christ. (1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17)
- Rewards are at the resurrection, not at death. (Revelation 22:12; Luke 14:13,14)
If we go to our reward at death;
- We would not need a resurrection.
- We would not need the Second Coming.
- There is no place for a last judgement. [Return to Top]
- God alone is immortal.
- Jesus promises eternal life now and we will get it at the second coming.
- In the meantime, death is like a sleep, a peaceful pause.
If the soul is immortal:
- There can be no end of evil in the universe (Bleak!!)
- Hell must be eternal, and
- God is not all-powerful. He cannot destroy man, only make him uncomfortable,
- There is no need for:
- The cross
- The resurrection
- The second coming
- You are your own god.
Death - a peaceful pause is a message of hope.
- Evil can come to an end rather than be immortalised.
- God can be "love" only if people will suffer forever in hell.
- The resurrection at the Second coming of Jesus is our only hope.
- God is the source of life - He offers it freely.