
The Bible
What evidence is there it can be trusted?
It's Claims.
- God said all these words ...; Exodus 20:1
- The Word of the Lord came to ... Isaiah 1:10
- All inspired 2 Timothy 3:16
Either these claims are, or aren't true!
If they aren't true - this is a very bad book It makes false claims.
If they are true - it is more than just a very good book, it is the Word of God |
Evidence that the Bible is more than a human invention:
1. Historical accuracy- verified by:
- Archaeology
- Ancient secular historians
2. Fulfilled prophecy
This book claims to be able to tell the future. Isaiah 44:7
Predictions about places
- Egypt
- 1. It will become a weak kingdom. Ezekiel 29:15
- 2. It will never rule over other nations. Ezekiel 29:15
- 3. It will not have a prince. Ezekiel 30:13
- Memphis
- 1. To be laid waste and lie in ruins. Jeremiah 46:19
- 2. To be without an inhabitant. Jeremiah 46:19
- 3. Its images to be destroyed. Ezekiel 30:13
- Ninevah
- 1. Destroyed in state of drunkenness. Nahum 1:10
- 2. Destroyed by flood Nahum. 1:8, 2:6
- 3. Would be burned. Nahum 3:13
- 4. A ruin. Zephaniah 2:13
- 5. A place for flocks to graze. Zephaniah 2:13
- Tyre
- 1. Many nations to come against Tyre. Ezekiel 26:3
- 2. Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Tyre. Ezekiel 26:7, 8
- 3. Scrape away her ruins and make her a bare rock. Ezekiel 26:4
- 4. Where fishermen dry their nets. Ezekiel 26:5
- 5. To be cast into the sea. Ezekiel 26:12
- 6. Will not be built again. Ezekiel 26:14
- Sidon
- 1. No mention of destruction.
- 2. Blood in the streets. Ezekiel 28:23
- 3. Sword on every side. Ezekiel 28:23
- Babylon
- 1. To be like Sodom & Gomorrah. Isaiah 13:19
- 2. Never inhabited again. Isaiah 13:20
- 3. Tents will not be pitched there by Arabs. Isaiah 13:20
- 4. Sheepfolds will not be there. Isaiah 13:20
- 5. Will become a pile of ruins. Jeremiah 51:37
- 6. The thick wall will be completely pulled down. Jeremiah 51:58
- 7. Covered with swamps of water. Isaiah 14:23
- Petra & Edom
- 1. Become a desolation. Isaiah 34:13
- 2. Never populated again Jeremiah 49:18
- 3. Conquered by Israel Ezekiel 25:14
- 4. An empty ruin forever Ezekiel 35:7, 9
- 5. Cessation of trade.
- Jerusalem
- 1. Destroyed and rebuilt many times
- 2. Temple destroyed and dismantled Matthew 24:2
- Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, Tiberius
- 1. Woes against Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum. Matthew 11:21, 22
- 2. Tiberius was not condemned and is the only one still inhabited.
Predictions about events

Daniel 2 - the course of civilisation outlined . Written 600BC outlining the course of
history beginning with the Babylonian Empire represented by the head of gold, followed
by the Medo-Persian Empire (the chest of silver), the Greek Empire ( belly & thighs of
brass), Roman Empire (legs of iron & clay). Then would come a period with a mixture of
weak and strong nations represented by the feet of iron and clay. They will not stick
together. At this time the God of heaven would set up his kingdom. We live in the toes
of Iron and Clay. |
Predictions about people
- Cyrus: Isaiah 45:1, 4, 13. Named 150 years before birth.
- Messiah:
- Virgin Birth. Isaiah 7:14
- Birth Place. Micah 5:2
- Dates of ministry and death. Daniel 9
- Rejected. Isaiah 53
- Betrayal price, what happened to the money. Zechariah 11:12, 13
- Crucifixion. Psalm 22:16
- Bones not broken. Psalm 34:20
3. Resurrection of Jesus Recorded facts
- 1. Jesus died.
- 2. Before He died He predicted He would rise again
- 3. He was put in a tomb. A stone covered the entrance.
- 4. A guard of Roman soldiers was set.
- 5. The tomb was empty Sunday morning.
- 6. The disciples began to preach, "He has risen!"
What happened? Who moved the stone? Who removed the body? The possibilities:
- i. Jesus didn't really die, He only fainted, and later revived in the tomb.
- a) He had been beaten, crucified, had a spear put into his side. Who moved the stone?
- b) How did He get out of the material He was wrapped in?
- ii The Jewish authorities moved the body
- Then why didn't they produce the body to discount the stories of the resurrection?
- iii The Roman soldiers moved the body
- Why didn't they produce the body to discount the stories of the resurrection?
- iv The disciples stole the body so they could say "He is risen".
- a) The disciples had fled in fear when Jesus was arrested.
- b) They were hiding in fear in an upper room with the doors barred.
- c) When the resurrection story came through, they were slow to believe it.
- d) How did they get past the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb?
- e) If the Roman soldiers were asleep, how did they know who took the body?
- f) These disciples who were so timid suddenly become bold saying "He is risen!"
- g) Many of the disciples were killed for holding to the story of the resurrection. Lies are normally told to get out of trouble, not to get
into it.
- h) How did they get the body out and leave the grave clothes there?
- v The women and disciples went to the wrong tomb.
- a) It is unlikely that the authorities and soldiers went to the wrong tomb
- b) Why would the Jewish authorities bribe the soldiers unless the real tomb was empty?
The other option:
- vi He did rise from the dead
- a) The change in the disciples from timid to bold
- b) The rise of the Christian church - they convinced others who were there that Jesus was alive.
4. World View
Only the Bible has answers to life's important questions:
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I here?
- Where am I going when I die?
5. The Bible's Morality
- Has universal application.
- Is higher than the practise of the people to whom it was written.
- Letter of the law vs spirit of the law.
- Tells truth about its characters - not just their good points.
- Has one man who lived it.
6. Changed lives
Tells truth about its characters - not just their good points.
- The mistakes they made.
- The consequences.
- How they were forgiven and their lives changed by the grace of God.
7. Personal Experience
- it can change your life if you are willing to let it.
Copyright K Bird © 2004 |